All of us want to be winners in the NFT space. Selling enough art to become financially independent is every artist’s dream come true—that and being hailed as a brilliant artist. Unfortunately, those two things don’t necessarily go together. As you can see from the history of NFTs, the winners aren’t always the most brilliant artists. Successful artists are those whose communities feel compelled to buy their work.
What Does it Mean to Market Your NFT?
The process of putting your work out there and making it compelling is called marketing.
As we mentioned before, buying NFT art is not like buying physical art. People don’t buy NFTs because they fit their decor. They need a better reason to buy NFTs. You could mint thousands of absolutely fabulous NFTs. However, without marketing, the vast majority of them are just going to collect digital dust.
Very few artists start out with a built-in customer base. Sure, there are plenty of artists out there who don’t put a lot of thought into marketing. Some can get commissions and sell their work without too much trouble. Although they may not call it marketing, somewhere along the way, they did something to connect to their customers.
Having your customers tell other customers about you is marketing. That’s word-of-mouth marketing. Sharing your work with artist communities is marketing. Entering work into art exhibitions is marketing. Each and every time you talk to a patron about your work, you’re marketing.
Anything that you do to get your work out there in front of people is marketing. So, you might as well know at least a thing or two about the best practices.
NFT Marketing is in its Infancy
Keep in mind that selling NFTs is a whole new ballgame. The NFT market is so new that no one can keep up with the latest developments.
Selling NFTs is not like selling CDs at a gig, paintings in a gallery, tickets to a show, or prints on Etsy. There’s only one group of people that buy NFTs—that is NFT collectors. The rules for marketing to these NFT collectors are still being written.
But there is hope, of course.
Here at Endemic, we are marketing for the artists in our community. All the artists who create a profile, mint, and list art get a chance to be marketed by our marketing team. All you have to do is contact us.
After that, we will ask you for some videos and photos, make a video for you, and post it across our social media channels. Easy as that.
Also, we will put you on our homepage for a couple of days so you can get a vast exposure.
Yes, we are proactively trying to sell your art; why? We care, we want you to get the best price for your artwork, and we are happy when you are.
DM us on X for more information - @Endemic_nft
See you :)
Content by: Ivan Mazi Markov & NFT School For Artists book.