Once the domain of speculative fiction, posts on AI agents are today relevant topics—autonomous or semi-autonomous software that can carry out activities, make judgments, or even communicate with humans in ways that were unthinkable just ten years ago. These computer creatures are occupying previously human-only fields, such as customer service and art curation.
Endy: the new best friend in the art world
Consider Endy, the idea behind the Endemic app. This AI is more than just a tool; it's a personality-driven being created to increase accessibility and engagement in the art world. By connecting collectors and artists, Endy is transforming how we engage with art. Endy functions as a personal curator for collectors, searching through enormous digital galleries to display artwork that appeals to their tastes—almost like a friend who knows you better than you do. Endy is a silent partner for artists, guiding them through the tricky world of NFTs and making sure the proper people see their work—and, more crucially, buy it.

Theory of Work Shift
However, this is where my thoughts start to veer into contentious territory: what if Endy and other AI agents are only the beginning? What if a new era is upon us, one in which these "entities" assume responsibilities requiring human contact, creativity, and judgment in addition to routine tasks?
Publications in X hint at this, presenting AI agents as virtual beings capable of buying, selling, or even creating art autonomously.
Imagine a future where AI agents assist and replace human jobs across all sectors. AI agents can become a silent and efficient workforce, from the art curator to the stock trader, from the customer service representative to the legal consultant. They never get bored or sidetracked, and they move too quickly for humans to follow them.

AI Agents Running the World
This vision raises a number of questions and concerns:
Ethical Implications: Given its deep comprehension of the human situation, might an AI take the role of jobs requiring moral judgment or empathy?
Economic Impact: What effects will there be on the workforce? Will there be enough new jobs available for people, even though some jobs may change, or will unemployment become a significant issue?
Cultural shift: Art, music, and literature are examples of human manifestations. Will art lose its spirit if AI takes over?
But let's not play the prophets of doom without acknowledging our own biases and limitations. I'm either too pessimistic, or I'm just repeating the fears of past technological revolutions. History teaches us that if things are eliminated, new ones are created - jobs we can't even imagine yet.

The Path Ahead
Endemic's Endy is a prime illustration of how AI may enhance human abilities rather than take their place. It serves as a reminder that the story is not final. We have the power to influence how these AI beings fit into our culture. In the era of artificial intelligence, will they be our collaborators in innovation and business, or will they replace us as the workforce and leave us to consider what it means to be human?
I don't have all the answers and I'm willing to be wrong. But we are all part of this journey with AI agents, especially in fields like art. As we navigate this new reality, let’s keep the dialogue alive, let’s learn from each other, and perhaps find a balance where humans and AI can thrive. Ultimately, the future is not yet written, and it’s up to us to decide whether AI agents will be co-creators or recruiters.